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Free Presidents Day Clipart - Graphics

President's Day was originally known as "Washington's Birthday" and was observed on February 22 (President George Washington's Birthday).

Washington's Birthday became a federal holiday in 1879 after being proposed by Senator Steven Dorsey and signed into law by President Hayes. President Washington became the first American to be celebrated with a federal holiday.

In 1968, "The Uniform Monday Holiday Act" moved Washington's Birthday celebration from February 22 to the third Monday in the month of February.

Presidents Day is Monday, February 17, 2025

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portrait Georgs Washington
1st President of The USA - George Washington

Inaugurated - First Term April 30, 1789 Federal Hall, New York City

Second Term March 4, 1793, Federal Hall, Philadelphia
patriotic button round
Round American flag button with Happy Presidents Day.
Happy Birthday George Washington
Happy Birthday George Washington on this Presidents Day.
May we never forget to thank you for all you did to secure our liberty. May we never exchange that liberty for free stuff.
Happy Presidents Day
Happy Presidents Day with George Washington.
boy celebrating Presidents Day
Small child celebrating Presidents Day.

George Washington portrait
George Washington
1st and Best President 1789 - 1797
animated American flag
American flag - Show your colors on Presidents Day.
George Washington portrait
George Washington
Born February 22, 1732 - Died December 14, 1799
Presidents Day with George Washington
Presidents Day with an American Flag and George Washington.
girl with an American flag
Girl celebrating Presidents Day with an American flag.
Happy Presidents Day
Happy Presidents Day
celebrating Presidents Day animation with flags and stars
Celebrate George Washington's Birthday!
In proportion as the structure of a government gives force to public opinion, it is essential that public opinion should be enlightened… Real Patriots, who may resist the intrigues of the favourite, are liable to become suspected and odious; while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the people, to surrender their interests.
From Washington’s Farewell Address - September 17, 1796

presidents day button on the American flag
Presidents Day Button
George Washington's Birthday
George Washington's Birthday aka Presidents Day. JPEG clipart image
presidents day flag
Presidents Day on an American Flag. JPEG clipart image.
Presidents Day Sale
Presidents Day Sale in red, white and blue. You may use this sale sign on your business website or in print. You may not claim to own the image, but you may use the sign.
Happy Presidents Day
Happy Presidents Day with George Washington, Ronald Reagan and Abraham Lincoln.
abraham lincoln button
Abraham Lincoln button.
George Washington
Arbitrary power is most easily established on the ruins of liberty abused to licentiousness. G. Washington - June 8, 1783 (Circular to the States)
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln in his top hat.
JPEG clipart image
Presidents day with Abraham Lincoln and star animation
Presidents Day animation with red frame.
Animated gif image
Presidents day animation
Presidents Day sign with animation.
Thomas Jefferson
President Thomas Jefferson - The third President Of The United States - 1801-1809.
Andrew Jackson
President Andrew Jackson - The seventh President Of The United States - 1829-1837.
William Henry Harrison
President William Henry Harrison - The ninth President Of The United States - March 4, 1841 - April 4, 1841.
President Harrison died 31 days after taking office from pneumonia.
James K. Polk
President James Knox Polk - The 11th President Of The United States.
Zachary Taylor
President Zachary Taylor - The 12th President Of The United States.
President Franklin Pierce
President Franklin Pierce - The 14th president of the United States ( served from 1853 to 1857 ).
George Washington and Lincoln
Happy Birthday Washington and Lincoln.
JPEG clipart image
presidents day puppy
A patriotic puppy celebrating Presidents Day clipart image.
Presidents day with George Washington and star animation
Presidents Day animation with blue frame.
animated gif image

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If you use our Washington's Birthday clipart and graphics please give us credit.
Thank You.
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